Tank game
A downloadable game
This is a game I've made for a college project called tank game I know very creative. There are a couple of issues in the game I'm currently aware of those being the collision being a bit funky, not being able to win sometimes due to enemies not spawning when they're meant to, there being no sound and the vehicles not acting like vehicles when they move. None of these issues will be fixed as I am now finished with this game, despite the issues I think it's still a pretty fun game. If you run into the not winning issue you can always pause the game and return to the menu like that I know it's a bit of a pain but it is what it is.
Forward- W Turn left- A Reverse- S Turn right- D
Shoot main gun- Left click Shoot coaxial gun- Right click
Repair- Hold F Pause- P or Esc Zoom in/out- Scroll wheel
Status | Prototype |
Author | Davy_Crockett |
Install instructions
To download click download button and then once it's downloaded unzip the game. To play the game double click on the TankGame.exe and it should launch shortly after.